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~ Now that 2018 is on its way, we have seen little change. Matter of fact it has gotten worse. Mostly due to people becoming so complace...

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Book of Ecclesiastes: A time to Love, and a time to hate

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NKJV)

[1] To everything there is a season,

    A time for every purpose under heaven:

[2 A time to be born,

    And a time to die;

    A time to plant,

    And a time to pluck what is planted;

[3] A time to kill,

     And a time to heal;

     A time to break down,

     And a time to build up;

[4] A time to weep,

     And a time to laugh;

     A time to mourn,

    And a time to dance;

[5] A time to cast away stones,

     And a time to gather stones;

     A time to embrace,

    And a time to refrain from embracing;

[6] A time to gain,

     And a time to lose;

     A time to keep,

    And a time to throw away;

[7] A time to tear,

     And a time to sew;

     A time to keep silence,

    And a time to speak;

[8] A time to love,

     And a time to hate;

     A time of war,

    And a time of peace.