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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Book of Lamentations~ Feelings of anguish and hope

Lamentations 3:49-57 (NKJV)

[49] My eyes flow and do not cease,
Without interruption,
[50] Till the Lord from heaven
Looks down and sees.
[51] My eyes bring suffering to my soul
Because of all the daughters of my city.
[52] My enemies without cause
Hunted me down like a bird.
[53] They silenced my life in the pit
And threw stones at me.
[54] The waters flowed over my head;
I said, “I am cut off!”
[55] I called on Your name, O Lord,
From the lowest pit.
[56] You have heard my voice:
“Do not hide Your ear
From my sighing, from my cry for help.”
[57] You drew near on the day I called on You,
And said, “Do not fear!”